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Hello Jobseeker

Workcircle can help you find your dream job, just follow these simple instructions to get an email whenever we get new jobs that suit you.

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  2. (We won't give your email address to anyone, unless required to by law. We'll use it to send you job alerts if you want us to, plus any news about Workcircle.)

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  2. (A good example would be "Engineer", or "Accountant".)

  1. 3

  2. (For instance, "Sydney", or "Brisbane")

  1. 4

  2. (For example, if you wanted 'Engineer' jobs, but not 'Electrical Engineer' jobs, put 'Electrical' in the box above.)

  1. We'll send you any new jobs that match your search daily. If you DON'T want to receive these alerts, plese untick the box below:

    Press 'submit' to save your search and log in to Workcircle:


  1. Search: Australia World

  2. advanced | tipsPut a '+' before a keyword if you want that keyword to definitely appear in the results or a '-' for keywords you don't want to appear. For example, +sales -assistant. Alternatively, if you want results to match an exact keyword then put it in quotes, e.g. "sales manager".